Sunday, April 17, 2011

Prayer Requests

I have not been doing so well at keeping you updated with my prayer requests. Anyway, here are the latest.

Please pray for:

-Africa. Much of the continent continues to be in turmoil. While many of the conflicts from earlier in the year seem to have died down, there are still many going strong. Please pray for continued peace in Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, and the Ivory Coast. All of these countries are going through power transitions. Egypt and Tunisia forcefully overthrew the government. Sudan's transition is a result of a vote. The Ivory Coast recently had an election in which the incumbent lost but refused to concede and much conflict ensued. Fortunately, that conflict seems to have died down. The conflict in Libya, however, is still going strong. Gadhafi has been at war with his own people for quite some time now. After decades in power, Libyans are calling for change, but change is not coming easy. While all of these countries are in different stages of conflict, please pray for peace in these difficult times.

-peaceful protests in Uganda. With gas prices raising, people are getting upset and wanting to do something about it. Many have started peaceful protests in Kampala, Jinja, as well as some other places. Some high ranking people have been involved in the protests including two of the presidential candidates that lost earlier in February. Even though the protests have been peaceful, the authorities have been quick to deploy tear gas, shoot rubber bullets, and arrest many in an attempt to break up the protests. Please pray for peace protests that do not escalate.

-support raising. Even though my time in Uganda is drawing to a close, I am still having to go through the support raising process. I had originally raised my support before leaving in August, but by staying an extra four months, I have incurred additional costs with additional visas, rent and food costs. Please pray that the additional funds necessary to stay would come in before leaving in June.

-ministries that eMi partners with. I recently updated all of the project information on the Project Info page. Please check it out and pray for these ministries that the gospel of Jesus would be effectively spread through them.

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