My favorite story of the trip was one afternoon when I was surveying. Since the brush was so thick in many parts of site, they provided a team of machete-wielding “slashers” to create trails for us to walk. That was awesome in and of itself, but the best part of the day came when we were taking a break and they wanted to have a smoke. This is what ensued… I will let the video tell the tale...
Less than 5 minutes later, they gathered the ashes and put them in some dry grass and...
Afterward, Shawn and I tried to make fire the same way. We failed miserably and they just laughed and laughed at us. None of them spoke English which made communication tough, but it made our interactions all the more hilarious.
I will just leave you with a few more photos of the trip.

The region of Uganda that we visited was called West Nile. Although, they said that the West Nile virus did not originate in West Nile. Go figure.

Meat on a stick anyone? This is a common site while travelling. If you want to buy something, just pull of to the side of the road and people with most definitely swarm you as they try to get you to buy something.

A picture of me with two of the “slashers”. They were both totally ripped. You wouldn’t want to get in a fight with one of these guys, especially if they are carrying around machetes.

Shawn is surveying a typical hut on one of the properties. Notice the clothes drying on the roof. There are no such things as washing machines or dryers here.

They did not have drinkable water where we stayed so we brought along our own water filter. It took about 5 minutes to fill water bottle.

A shot of the group on the way back to the vans after getting caught in a rain storm.

To make matters worse, the rain made all the roads so muddy that the vans kept on getting stuck. Several people had to jump out at least half a dozen times to push them out of the mud.

Ok, so I said that I wouldn’t share these photos, but these are just too epic to deny you all the opportunity to see them. This is Aaron, a Safe Harbor business analyst from Chicago, killing the turkey.

This is Tim, the architect turned chicken butcher. Jones, the chef, is standing next to him helping out. How awesome is it, by the way, that the chef’s name was Jones?

Anyone need their car washed? We saw this in one of the nearby streams on the way out of town.
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