In other news, I was playing ultimate frisbee on Saturday and sprained my ankle. Some of the staff members took me to the nearby urgent care center and got x-rays. Everything was negative, which is good, but it is still painful to walk on and I am moving slowly. Even in the past 24 hours, it has gotten a lot better, but I am still nervous traveling. Two eight hour plane flights, a nine hour layover, and walking around international airports could be very difficult with a bum ankle. Please pray for safe and easy travel in the next couple of days.
I also got a support update yesterday morning and I finally reached my support goal! I am so amazed and so blessed in the ways that the Lord provided financially for me to go on this trip. I am thankful for everyone who has donated and been a part of my support team. Thank you all so much!
The theme of the week has been based on Ephesians 2:10:
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
It has been wonderful to investigate what kind of work the Lord has prepared for my life. So often, I think we read Ephesians 2:8-9 and then stop.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.
It truly is amazing that we are saved by faith and that we don’t have to do anything to gain back favor in God’s sight. All of that has already been accomplished through Christ’s redeeming work on the cross. At the same time, we should not be complacent in our faith because we are saved by faith.
God has created us all uniquely and prepared a path before us. We should not be passive in our faith, letting life pass by us. Rather, we should all be active knowing that the Lord is always with us. I hope this has been an encouragement to you. It certainly has encouraged me this past week. I will write again once we have settled into Kampala and I get internet.
-Me during a hike one morning
-Me at the top after my first rock climbing experience
-A view from one of the rocks we climbed during the hike.

-A group shot during our hike.
-A picture of my ankle all wrapped up.
You are in my thoughts and prayers continually. I am so proud of you! Safe journey and God bless!!