As a result of extending my stay with eMi, I am currently raising funds so that I can come back again in the spring. I am still uncertain of my support goal as the costs of the spring term are still being finalized, but it will most likely be close to my fall goal of $6000. Would you prayerfully consider joining my team of financial supporters by donating to eMi? If you have already donated, I cannot begin to thank you enough. If it weren't for you, I would not be here right now.
Want to learn more about what I am doing? Check out these links:
-eMi East Africa
-Questions, Questions, Questions...
-Project Info
There are two ways you can donate:
1. Send a check to eMi. Fill it out with the information below:
Make it out to:
Engineering Ministries International
Designate it for:
Dan Untch, Intern Account # 2844
Engineering Ministries International
130 E Kiowa, Suite 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
2. Donate online using a credit card. Click here to go to the eMi donation page and fill out the information.