Spring 2011 Projects
Watoto Church - Project Gulu
Argricultual and Technical College - Gulu, Uganda
This is the project that will be taking up most of my time this spring. I have updated the blog many times with information about Project Gulu so I am just going to let these links do the talking.
Previous Blog Posts:
Project Trip: LRA and the Conflict in Gulu
Project Trip: Watoto's Work
Project Trip: A Unique Team with a Unique Project
Other Links:
Project Gulu
eMi EA Project Profile
Restour Tour
Eagles Wings Children's Village
Orphanage and Primary School - Masaka, Uganda
Although Project Gulu is my primary focus this semester, I have been helping out with the structural design for Eagles Wings Children's Village. There was a project trip to Masaka for this project just like there was for Project Gulu in March and Safe Harbor last fall. I have joined up with those in the office who went on the trip to the shear wall design for lateral resistance (wind and earthquakes), roof truss design, and concrete beam, column, and footing design.
Eagles Wings Children's Village, EWCV is a non-government organization founded by a Canadian missionary couple Bill and Ann Peckham , registered in Uganda in 2004 and incorporated in both Uganda and Canada in 2004.
EWCV operates an orphaned children's home and a nursery and primary school at Lubumba village in Masaka district. EWCV through the children's home and the school provides for the schooling and improved livelihoods for over 200 children. These are the needy children in the villages who would have not been able to attend school due to long distances and poverty.
Their mission statement is to bring Jesus Christ, care, love, protection and the provision of basic necessities to the lone, orphaned child.
Eagles Wings Children's Village owns 72.1 acres of land which is going to be developed into farmland, a school, a clinic, ten new children's family units, and staff houses.
For more information check out these links:
Eagle's Wings website
eMi Project Profile
One of the volunteers was a videographer and made this wonderful video while he was there. Check it out!
Eagle's Wings- Masaka, Uganda from Halle Project on Vimeo.
Other Side Projects
True Life Ministries
Orphanage and Primary School - Dokolo, Uganda
This is a smaller scale project located in northern Uganda. In early April, I visited the site with Robert, an architect in our office. We performed a land survey for them and will continue to work on fundraising documents so they can begin to build. Currently, it is an empty site, but they are planning to create and orphanage and primary school. They will use our survey and initial building design to get the project started.
Saving Grace Ministries
Orphanage and Primary School - Lira, Uganda
Similar to True Life, we surveyed their land and are providing fundraising documents to get their project started. Lira is fairly close to Dokolo, so Robert and I visited the two sites together on the same trip. Just like True Life, they are planning an orphanage and primary school, but their land is currently undeveloped. Currently they have a small site where they house about 35 boy but are looking to expand on this new land that they own. Hopefully our work will allow them to move forward.
Fall 2010 Projects
Safe Harbor International
Agricultural Training Facility - Midigo, Uganda
Safe Harbor International is a mission organization whose goal is to glorify God through ministry, development, training, and relief. Safe Harbor first came to Midigo in 1998 in response to a cholera epidemic. Over the past decade, they have developed their medical clinic into a full hospital and planted several churches throughout the area.
Now, Safe Harbor is looking to expand. They want to develop an agricultural training facility. This facility will consist of classrooms for training as well as areas for farming to introduce new techniques for farming. Safe Harbor has partnered with eMi to do the design of this new agricultural training facility.
eMi will be travelling to the project site starting Monday, September 13th. We will be on site for about a week and a half to survey the site and begin the site. The project team consists of two full time staff member from our office here, four interns who are here for the semester, and four project volunteers from the US coming over especially for the trip.
Midigo is in the northwest corner of Uganda near the borders of Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It has a majority Muslim population and is rumoured to have one of the highest occurrences of malaria in the east African region.
I will provide more specifics of what actually will be designed as I learn more about the project and about the ministry. In the mean time, check out the eMi Project Profile or the Safe Harbor site for more info.